Asking for help

Hello all! Today I want to talk about asking for help! If you have been following along my journey on my socials, you will know that I have been deep diving into Growth Day (if you don’t know what that is, let me know, and I’ll tell you all about it!)

And, during one of the many talks I’ve heard, something really stood out, and it was that you as a person if you’re trying to start something – be it a business, a new habit, getting healthier-whatever it is, you are going to NEED help!

This is where we often find ourselves lost..and that is because many of us were raised in a society that frowns upon asking for help!!

It’s some sort of stigma to need someone else. What a terrible way to look at this!

So we plug along, trying to figure things out on our own, SUFFERING immensely, getting frustrated, this thing we are trying to achieve probably takes WAY longer than necessary!

It’s like we think there is some crazy badge of honour at the end of life, where we all line up and get this “suffering” achievement-oh everyone gather around, Susie is here and she suffered the most of all! Let’s all applaud her.

That is NOT going to happen!!! Do we want the eulogy at the end of our life to state well, she suffered so much, and almost accomplished so much but….gave up.

So what does asking for help look like then? Does it mean we are lazy? Stupid? Passing something off to someone else?

Also, NO.

It looks like asking someone for advice, for their experience. It means saying-I don’t know how to do this but I can ask someone for help and figure it out!

It looks like knowing that we are not perfect.

Successful and HAPPY people are the ones that have asked for help, guidance and advice. They knew that they were smart enough to learn but humble enough to look outside of their own ego.

So what do you need help with right now? What are you SO close to giving up on because you don’t know what to do next?

I invite you to reach out to someone who HAS figured out what you’re trying to achieve, I guarantee they’ll want to help you!

Let’s go!!

Here is my ask for help:

Anyone have any experience with using templates to revamp your WordPress site? What videos or articles did you use? I need help!!

Have an absolutely beautiful day-and, if you’re so inclined, share what you’re asking for help with! Maybe someone here can help you out!

